Aku bahkan tidak pernah membayangkan diriku menjadi cast
Pertama, ceritakan bagaimana kamu bisa bertemu dengan seri Love Live?
Aku kenal Love Live itu pas masih SMP. Yang jadi pemicunya, kebetulan rangkuman rekaman konser myus sedang naik di website video yang aku tonton, jadi aku penasaran lalu mengkliknya. Mereka mengenakan pakaian yang sama dengan di anime dan gaya rambutnya juga sama. Mereka juga menarikan gerakan tari yang serupa sehingga membuatku terkejut. Di zaman itu jarang-jarang ada seri yang seperti itu, makanya aku sangat terkejut. Setelah itu, aku nonton anime dan beli CD-nya…. Hanya saja, waktu itu aku tidak pernah berpikir untuk menjadi seiyuu Love Live. Sebab aku mendukung mereka sebagai salah satu fans, makanya aku bahkan tidak pernah membayangkan diriku terlibat langsung dalam hal yang aku sukai.
Gimana sih audisi “Love Live Superstar”?
Awalnya aku nonton musim pertamanya hanya sebagai penggemar, jadi aku benar-benar kaget ketika mendapat kabar itu. 8 tahun berlalu sejak aku mengenal Love Live, jadi aku tidak pernah membayangkan aku ikut serta dalam audisi Love Live. Selain itu, aku orangnya tidak terlalu percaya diri. Berbeda dengan audisi biasa, audisi Love Live terdiri dari lagu dan tarian…. Aku tidak pede dengan keduanya, jadi aku benar-benar khawatir. Tapi, karena udah mendaftar, jadi aku harus habis-habisan, pokoknya aku pengen diterima. Aku diam-diam latihan di depan cermin di kamarku, tapi jujur aja aku gak tahu apakah tarian dan nyanyianku benar! Waktu audisi juga aku gugup banget sampai-sampai terlalu kaku, sehingga aku pulang dengan murung karena semuanya tidak berjalan sesuai latihan.
Lalu, kamu lolos sebagai Yoneme Mei. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika mendapat kabar itu?
Managerku bilang “pokoknya datang aja”, hahaha. Aku sudah dengar kabar kalau aku diterima di ruang rapat agensi, tapi waktu itu belum ngerasain apa-apa. Gak nyangka bisa tampil dalam seri Love Live yang aku cintai…. Waktu di jalan pulang hatiku juga berbunga-bunga, tapi pas sampai rumah dan melihat wajah ibuku, baru air mataku mengalir. Aku senang keluargaku ikut bahagia akan hal itu. Cuma, masih ada rasa khawatir. Sebagai orang yang diterima sebagai Mei, ku masih bingung bagaimana harus mengekspresikan Mei bahkan sejak di audisi. Awalnya aku tidak tahu kalau Mei punya sisi fans idol akut, dan dia anaknya marah-marah mulu kek “bacot ah!”, gitu…. Sekarang dia adalah gadis yang dipenuhi oleh banyak daya tarik, tapi aku harus memutar kepala untuk memikirkan bagaimana sebaiknya adegan kata-kata itu. Aku merasa semakin dekat dengan Mei sejak rekaman animenya.
Kekhawatiran dan tekanan setiap harinya, rasa gugup yang hilang berkat suara para fans
Kemudian kalian mulai saling bertemu, ya.
Anak-anak generasi kedua udah pernah ketemu semuanya saat audisi terakhir, jadi aku bisa tahu semuanya itu imut lewat masker mereka. Kami baru saling memperkenalkan diri ketika tatap muka, lalu baru saling bicara ketika latihan. Nozomi kayak hewan yang mungil, bikin aku jadi pengen melindunginya. Wakana rambutnya panjang pas pertama kali ketemu, jadi kurasa dia kayak kakak yang kalem…. Awalnya itu yang aku pikirkan! Aya anak yang periang, bahkan gak berubah sampai sekarang. Dia kayak anak yang mengubah pikiran negatif menjadi hal positif. Ada member yang kesanku padanya berubah, ada juga yang enggak, hahaha. Waktu ketemu anak-anak generasi pertama pokoknya aku gugup, tapi setelah bertatap muka dengan mereka rasa gugupku sedikit menghilang. Ada sosok yang biasanya hanya aku lihat lewat layar, dan mereka sangat manis…!
Kudengar anak-anak generasi kedua mengamati konser tur pertama, ya. Bagaimana rasanya melihat penampilan Liella secara langsung?
Penampilan dan suasana para penggemar, semuanya benar-benar luar biasa. Walau dalam keadaan tidak dapat bersuara, tapi aku dapat merasakan semangat mereka, bagaimana jadinya jika aku melihat kondisi ini saat di panggung nanti. Aku selalu melihat konser mereka secara langsung dan terkadang pula lewat online. Awalnya aku hanya merasa ingin menyemangati mereka, tapi selama aku melihat perkembangan Liella dari stage yang silih berganti, aku jadi cemas karena aku kelak akan bergabung dengan kumpulan orang-orang ini. Konsernya sendiri membuatku kagum, tapi dengan konser ini menjadi sebuah konser yang hebat, membuat rasa cemasku semakin besar. Seperti aransemen lagunya yang berubah, nada panjang di bagian akhir lagu “Tokonatsu Sunshine” yang semakin panjang, setiap kali aku kagum dengan satu hal, rasa cemas di hatiku semakin berkelip…. Aku juga melihat stage tambahan saat penampilan di Tokyo secara langsung, namun itu membuatku sadar bahwa batas waktu sampai kami bergabung semakin dekat.
Setelah itu barulah pengumuman member dan cast-nya, ya.
Kami tidak bisa tetap diam sendiri bahkan jika kami ingin sendirian, jadi anak-anak generasi kedua berkumpul semuanya. Sampai saat pengumuman anggota tambahan diumumkan, kami memutuskan untuk tidak melihat respon warganet. Saat kami berkumpul, baru akhirnya kami melihat komentar yang diberikan oleh official. Kalau dalam arti diterima atau tidak, aku lebih cemas dengan pengumuman membernya daripada cast-nya.
Kemudian video suara Mei diposting, apakah kamu melihat bagaimana reaksi fans?
Yap, aku lihat. Lebih tepatnya terlihat. Padahal udah niat gak melihatnya, tapi aku penasaran banget…! Semakin dengan perilisan, aku makin cemas dengan hal-hal yang biasanya tidak aku cemaskan misalnya, apakah tidak terlalu tomboy, atau tingkat ketinggian suaraku, jadi melihat komentar positif dari para fans itu beneran membuatku lega. Aku bersyukur sebab banyak fans yang menangkap secara positof karakter Mei yang bernada keras yang biasanya jarang ada. Itu membuatku jadi sedikit percaya diri.
Siaran pertama kalian adalah pada bulan Juni, kemudian ada fan meeting pada bulan Juli, dan akhirnya tampil di depan para fans sebagai cast.
Bagian awal siaran langsungnya hanya bagian ngobrol anak-anak generasi pertama, waktu itu aku gugup, pokoknya gugup. Setelah ditampilkannya foto para cast, itulah kali pertamanya aku bicara sebagai diriku sendiri bukan sebagai karakter yang aku perankan, jadi pas itu hanya ada rasa cemas. Tapi, setelah tampil secara langsung dalam siaran langsung dan melihat komentarnya, banyak banger fans yang ngasih komentar positif, sehingga itu membuat rasa gugupku hilang. Saat fan meeting, waktu kami siap-siap, aku jadi gugup karena merasakan hawa keberadaan para fans. Lalu, melihat lautan lightstick ketika berdiri di atas panggung membuatku gugup lagi…. Namun, aku benar-benar tersentuh ketika melihat momen light stick yang berubah warna jadi merah saat sesi perkenalan. Aku yang awalnya berusaha mati-matian hanya untuk bicara, perlahan dapat melihat satu per satu wajah penonton dan menikmati acaranya. Aku masih belum bisa membayangkan ketika nanti bernyanyi dan menari di depan para fans, tapi aku akan melakukan yang terbaik saat latihan agar mereka dapat menyukaiku.
Mengenai anime Love Live Superstar yang sedang tayang sekarang, apakah poin yang harus diperhatikan menurutmu?
Anak-anak generasi kedua punya keunikan yang kuat, tapi aku penasaran bagaimana interaksi mereka dengan anak-anak generasi pertama. Mei mencintai School Idol, justru karena cinta itu dia tidak bisa menjadi School Idol. Kurasa itu adalah sisi yang sama denganku. Aku ingin bagaimana perasaan itu dapat berubah menjadi sorotan.
Terakhir, tolong berikan pesan-pesanmu untuk para fans!
Terima kasih atas segala dukungannya. Masalah dan sosok saling bahu membahu anak-anak generasi kedua adalah sisi yang kebanyakan merupakan cerminan dari sisi cast generasi kedua. Aku pribadi ingin memberikan banyak balasan lewat kegiatan Liella, setiap harinya aku ingin memberikan sebuah nilai kepada mereka yang hanya dapat mengayunkan lightstick. Sekarang dan seterusnya, tolong perhatikan kegiatan para member dan perkembangan kami para cast!
I never dreamed that I would be cast
Please tell us about your encounter with the Love Live! Series.
I learned about “Love Live!” when I was in junior high school. A digest video of µ’s’ live performance just came up on a video site, and I clicked “What is it?” She wears the same clothes and hairstyle as the anime girls. I was very surprised that they danced in exactly the same way. At that time, there weren’t many works like that, so it was a shock. From there, I watched the TV anime and bought the CD. But at that time, I didn’t think I wanted to be a voice actor for the Love Live! series. I was rooting for them as a fan, so I never thought that I would be involved in something I like.
How’s the Love Live! Superstars!! Audition?
I’ve been watching the first season of the TV anime as a fan, so I was surprised when I received the offer. It’s been about 8 years since I learned about Love Live! series, so I never dreamed of being able to audition for it. Also, I didn’t have much confidence in myself. Unlike ordinary auditions, there were songs and dances. I was very uneasy because I don’t have a lot of confidence. However, I ran away with the feeling that if I passed, I would do my best and definitely want to pass. I was silently practicing in front of the mirror in my room, but honestly I didn’t know if the singing and dancing were right! On the day of the event, I was nervous and put too much effort into it, and I went home depressed because I didn’t go as well as I practiced.
And you were accepted to play the role of Yoneme Mei. How did you feel when you actually received the notification of acceptance?
When my manager contacted me and said, “Come here first” I thought, “he’ll be angry!” (laughs). When I heard that I had passed the audition in the conference room of the office, but at that time, it didn’t feel real at all. I’ve always loved Love Live! I can’t believe I’m going to be in the series. I was fluffy on the way home, but when I got home and saw her mother’s face, I finally burst into tears. My family was very happy, so I was happy. I just have anxiety. I got accepted as Mei-chan, but from the time of the audition, I was always worried about how I should express myself. At first, I didn’t know Mei-chan’s idol otaku side, and I was just an angry child who said, “You can’t do it!” I think she’s a girl full of charm now, but at the time, I was so full of thoughts about the scene of those words. From the recording of the TV anime, I feel like I’ve finally been able to get close to Mei’s feelings.
Days of anxiety and pressure, The voices of the fans gradually eased my nerves
From there, the face to face begins.
I met the 2nd gen members at the last audition, so I thought they were all cute even through their masks.
It feels like I finally introduced myself at the face-to-face meeting and talked properly in the lesson afterwards.
Nozomi is like a small animal, and I thought I had to protect her.
When I met Wakana, her hair was long, so I thought she might be a calm older sister…at first I thought!
I think Aya is a lively child, and that hasn’t changed even now.
She’s the kind of girl who turns negative thoughts into positive ones.
There are members whose impressions have changed, and there are members who haven’t (laughs). I was nervous when I met the 1st gen members, but when I saw the faces of the 5 members, I was relieved. There was always someone watching over the screen, and it was really cute. . . !
I heard that all the 2nd gen members went to see the 1st live tour. What was it like watching Liella! perform live?
I was overwhelmed by the performance and the atmosphere of the fans. Even though I couldn’t speak, I could feel the passion, and wondered what it would be like to see this on stage. The 1st live tour itself, some I watched at the venue and some I watched them all online. At first, I was just like, “Go for it!”, but as I watched Liella! growing with each performance, I started to worry, “Will I fit in?” The concert itself was very moving, but as it became more wonderful, my anxiety grew. The number of song arrangements increased, and the long tone at the end of “Eternal Summer Sunshine” became longer and longer.
We were also able to see the Tokyo performances, which were additional performances, and at that time, I felt that the time limit was approaching before we joined.
From there, the members and cast will finally be announced.
I couldn’t stand alone, so all the 2nd gen members got together. From the time it was announced that there would be an additional member until then, I had been trying not to look at the reaction on the internet. When we got together, the four of us finally read the official comments. In terms of whether they would accept me, I was more worried about announcing the members than announcing the cast.
After that, Mei’s voice video was also released, but did you see the reaction?
Yes, I saw it. I tried not to look at it, but it got me worried! As the release approached, I was worried about things that I don’t usually care about, such as whether it’s too boyish or the pitch of my voice, so I’m relieved to see so many positive comments. I’m really glad that there were many people who took it positively that there was no child like Mei who had a strong tone until now. I feel a little more confident now.
In June, we had our first live broadcast, and in July, we had our fan meeting tour, and we finally got to appear in front of our fans as a cast member.
The first half of the live broadcast was a talk with only the 1st gen members, but at that point I felt nervous. Although the photos of the cast have been released, it was the first time that I was speaking as myself, not as a member, so I was a bit nervous. But when I actually went on the live broadcast and saw the comments, there were a lot of warm comments, so I was able to release my tension. At the fan meeting, when I was waiting behind the scenes, I was nervous the moment I felt the presence of the fans. After that, when I stood on stage and saw the ocean with blade, I got nervous again. However, I was very moved when Mei-chan introduced herself and gave me a rogue-colored blade. At first, I was too busy just talking, but gradually I got to see everyone’s faces one by one, and I feel that we’re having fun together. Also, I can’t imagine singing and dancing in front of the fans, but I thought I’d do my best in the lessons so that they would like me.
The second season of the TV anime is currently airing、Please tell us the points to pay attention to.
The 2nd gen have quite strong personalities, but I’m curious about how they will interact with the 1st gen. Mei-chan loves school idols, and because she loves them, she thinks that she can’t be herself. I think she has some similarities with me. I want you to pay attention to how those feelings change.
Lastly, please give a message to your fans!
Thank you very much for always supporting me. I think there are many parts where the 2nd gen members help each other with their conflicts and overlap with the 2nd gen cast. I myself want to give back a lot through the activities of Liella!, and every day I want to become a person worthy of receiving the blade. From now on, please watch over the activities of the members and the growth of our cast!
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